Having them in first moment is an exiciting feeling for me.
Like having a new relatives in a different world. They love me, support me, care about me like my family. They more than a friend, cos they adoring me and have a strong emotion feeling for me.
Very funny like mmmmm... have to keep intouch everywhere I go and everytime with them all week.
Start from internet, face to face, or tryin to contact me from my closetest person (family) or direct to my self. But I felt kind become annoying sometimes like they always want to know all the thing about me, never enough or satisfiyed about my self.
The saddest thing is sometimes i just don’t care about them, ignore what they askin about my self. Me sucks.
What I called them is u “FanaTIKA”. I’m sorry for all the bad action from my self all this time.
Love U
13 komentar:
Tikaa..for dtaa..you the best!!!! You my inspiration!!!what u say..what we say..you happy..we happy..you sad..we sad..Thx ur care..Thx ur love..thx for anything..for all fanaTIKA..WE.LOVE.U Tikaa..big hug and kiss!! GBU..always sucsess!!! :D
fanaTIKA adalah mereka yang dapat memberi tanpa mengingat, dan menerima tanpa melupakan akan dikasihi .
aku ada karena kau telah tercipta...
paling ngga seperti itulah..yang terjadi...
"no body's perfect"..right?
aku akan tetap menjadi fansmu..
mohon maaf juga kalo pernah salah..
widih...widih...widih....sering2ae ngeblog nganggo boso inggris, ben iso skalian blajar....^_^
ngemeng2 kapan mulai dicreate nama fanaTIKA, trs itu singkatan or cuma skedar nama FC ja.."yg fanatik ma tika" ngoten nggih...
ocree...slalu jadi tika yg sperti skarang yaa, jok brubah karna popularitas..we olwes suport yuuuu :)
ngeblog nganggo boso inggris rek...iso skalian blajar brarti..^_^
ngemeng2 mulai dicreate nama fanaTIKA itu kpn seh, trs itu punya filosofi or singkatan or cuma nama FC biasa "yg fanatik ma tika" ngoten nggih???
ocreee deh..we olwes suport yuuu TiPu3 :)
give a firmness, and information that can be understood, because of an actor or actress is smart capable of mastering the situation and adjust to the situation. Greetings theater, hopefully you understand and can accept
give a firmness, and information that can be understood, because of an actor or actress is smart capable of mastering the situation and adjust to the situation. Greetings theater, hopefully you understand and can accept
give a firmness, and information that can be understood, because of an actor or actress is smart capable of mastering the situation and adjust to the situation. Greetings theater, hopefully you understand and can accept
Oh itu alasan kak Tika menghapus twitter kakak. Thanks for everything kak. Ur the best for me. Ur still wanna be my beloved idol and I still wanna be ur fans "FanaTIKA". Love u so much :* I'll missing you :'(
By : Indah Citra Devi
Kangen k tika :(
Kangenn k tika :(
Tika sedih banget karna sekarang gak bisa nyapa kamu di twitter.tapi klo kamu bahagia Aku juga bahagia.tetep sport kamu apapun yg telah kau lakukan.sukses trus YA
kangen. . . senyummu. .smuanya dach by fanatika jogja
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